Anyone who knows me knows that I am constantly studying. Every morning I do studies for at least an hour before I start working. I love animation, so I usually pause DVD’s and do little sketches of what I see. I also take as many classes as I can and go to life drawing about 3 times a week. At night I take out books and do studies as well. Sometimes I want to post little demos on what I’ve learned, but I feel like I’m in a constant state of learning and whenever I think I know something, I always find a better way of doing it later. But, I’ll never know everything, so here is a little demo on drawing the torso. Keep in mind that the first part is the most important. In drawing I try to come up with the simplest forms I can. In most of my work I try to leave the drawing in that big simple form. If you can’t get that right, when you layer all the overlaps and detail on top, it won’t matter.